Mandate of the AFI SNMC

Mandate of the Satellite Network Management Committee

  1. Decide on the network concept and topology in accordance with the relevant ATM operational requirements and based on ICAO SARPs and guidance materials.
  2. Ensure the continued operation of the AFISNET, meeting the CNS/ATM plan requirements of the AFI /MID /EUR/CAR/SAM Regions while taking into consideration CNS/ATM plans of adjacent regions, and including approval of deployment plans and/or extension plans.
  3. Decide on type and levels of service to be provided, and monitor the performance of the Network (facilities and leased band providers) to ensure that service delivery meets the Required Service Performance Level (RSPL) and the Required Communication Performance criteria previously pre-determined when applicable, in accordance with the Manual of Performance Based Communication & Surveillance (PBCS, Doc. 9869).

  4. Ensure that participating Organizations provide statistics on the Network Performance, and investigate service delivery complaints from users.
  5. Review and take the appropriate actions to clear the service dysfunctions within the RSPL /PBCS defined criteria in line with ATM PBN and SMS requirements.
  6. Monitor the harmonization of the implementation of facilities, services and where necessary ensure inter-regional connectivity, taking due account of cost/benefit analysis, business case development and financing issues:
    • Study the extension of the network to other countries.
    • Propose the network integration and inter-operability with other neighboring networks

  7. Monitor and harmonize the Network maintenance operation and management by defining a cooperation methodology between network centers with regard to:
    • Maintenance personnel team training and exchange, redeployment if necessary of a technical assistance team or personnel;
    • Spare parts exchange, fault location/repairs, and turnaround time
    • Development and modernization of AFISNET after a Joint Technical Evaluation and Re-engineering team assessment.

  8. Review and adopt the annual follow up on the meeting conclusions and update the future work program.
  9. The report of the Satellite Network Management Committee is to be addressed to SNMC members States/Organizations.