
AFISNET Meetings

The SNMC will meet once every year or more frequently, if required by the members, at one of the network centers, and the working languages will be English and French.
The following Air Navigation Service Providers can attend SNMC meetings as associated members:  (ENANA-Angola, ENNA-Algeria, DCA-Mauritius FIR; GCAA-The Gambia, – ENASA-Sao Tome & Principe, AENA-Spain, DGAC-France, RVA- DRC, ATNS South Africa, TTCAA (Trinidad de Tobago…);


Observers as composed below can participate in SNMC meetings but shall have no voting rights:

  • AFISNET SATCOM Facilities Providers;
  • Satellite Spectrum Providers (e.g. INTELSAT);
  • National Frequency Regulators;
  • Airline Associations (IATA);
  • International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations (IFATCA)
  • International Federation of Air Line Pilot Associations (IFALPA) 
  • Neighboring Networks Committees (CAFSAT, NAFISAT& SADC/2…).
  • Air navigation communication services providers, equipment manufacturers & integrators.
  • Search & Rescue Agencies.

At the beginning of every ordinary meeting, the chairperson of the Committee shall be proposed by the host organization and nominated by SNMC members. The chairperson’s mandate shall not exceed one year, unless under exceptional conditions that no meeting takes place the following year. In that case, the chairperson shall have his/her mandate extended by default until the next SNMC meeting is held.

ICAO WACAF Office shall be the Secretary of the Committee. The hosting Organization shall facilitate the participation of the Secretary.

To ensure that the Committee functions optimally, the designated representatives of Air Navigation Service Providers should have experience in the provision of air navigation infrastructure and services. Advisors may accompany the member organization’s Representative.

Participation of International Organizations

Apart from those listed above, the Committee may invite representatives of appropriate regional and international organizations (ATU, ITU, WMO, EUROCONTROL, ECOWAS…) to attend meetings in the capacity of observer.